Welcome to the Attention Clinic
Reclaim Your attention.
Our Method:
1. Accurate diagnosis and assessment
The ADHD Clinic uses the T.O.V.A.test because it is proven to correctly identified 87% of non-ADHD and 90% of ADHD subjects. Additionally, we test for subclinical ADHD.
2. Measure The effectiveness of ADHD interventions.
Ever want to know how your ADHD medicine is working for you?The T.O.V.A. aids in in the evaluation of treatment by providing objective measures that can inform clinical decision making
3. Individualized Results and treatment plans.
We will provide you with individualized results with customized recommendations from evidenced based studies to improve focus and attention based off your testing.
Now Scheduling Assessments!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Two people can meet the exact same criteria for ADHD and their attention may function very differently. The T.O.V.A. provides an individualized picture of performance over a sufficiently long task, giving clinicians information that targets not only the broad category of behavioral symptoms but also targets focus, vigilance, and inhibitory control in low and high arousal conditions.
The T.O.V.A. 9 is cleared by the US FDA, European MDD, MDEL Canada, and the Australian TGA. The TOVA Company is certified to ISO 13485:2016 under the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP).
"Your Attention Is Your Most Valuable Resource"
What is TOVA testing?
TOVA is a testing tool to help objectively diagnose Attention-Deficit/Hyper-activity Disorder. TOVA stands for Test of Variable Attention. The TOVA Test is a tool that provides healthcare professionals with objective measurements of attention and inhibitory control. In other words, it helps professionals to measure a patient’s attention and ability to control. It calculates response time and speed, commission, and omission. These factors allow us to see the patient's impulsivity, consistency, focus, vigilance, and attention.
What sets the TOVA apart from clinical interview?
A clinical interview and behavior ratings can tell us about a person’s history and behavior, but they don’t reveal the attentional functioning of a person. Knowing that someone struggles in class, at work, or in relationships doesn’t explain the challenges they face with maintaining attention and inhibitory control. Clinical interviews, behavior ratings, and the T.O.V.A. are separate, essential parts of an assessment or an evaluation of treatment effects.
What if I don't have ADHD, how can the TOVA help me?
The attention clinic uses an array of tools to measure and individuals performance and attention. Our tools give us objective data that can be utilized for any person striving to improve their focus and attention.
Does the test have Scientific Backing?
You can download a listing of over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles on or about using the T.O.V.A. Plus many more conference papers, theses, dissertations, and more. (over 400 in total) Click here to see Bibliography.
How Reliable is the TOVA test?
The T.O.V.A. has been shown to accurately identify 87% of individuals without ADHD, 84% of non-hyperactive ADHD, and 90% of the hyperactive ADHD, but should never be used solely as a diagnostic tool for those testing for attention deficit disorders or with a traumatic brain injury.
How do you build an Informed Treatment Approach?
The T.O.V.A. calculates response time variability (consistency), response time (speed), commissions (impulsivity), and omissions (focus and vigilance). These calculations are then compared to a large age- and gender-matched normative sample, as well as to a sample population of individuals independently diagnosed with ADHD. These comparison results are presented in an easy-to-read report and used to build clinical intervention.
How does the TOVA measure Micro Attention?
The T.O.V.A. maintains millisecond timing accuracy across computer platforms, the essential factor that determines reliable comparison to normative and sub-group samples. It accurately and precisely measures important variables of both auditory and visual information processing, including response time and response time variability.
Who can the TOVA test be used for?
TOVA testing can be used for ages 4 and up.
Pricing For ADHD Testing:
All testing includes individualized treatment plans & Monitoring tests after your initial consultation are $75.00 / test. Both TOVA assessments are recommended for ADHD testing.
Testing Specifics:
ADHD has three sub-types: Inattentive, hyperactive, or combined. The T.O.V.A test can test for each of these sub-types of ADHD. When the subject responds to a "non-target" it is noted as an error of commission, or impulsive. During the second half of the test, the inability for the subject to inhibit themselves is measured (error of omission).
The visual T.O.V.A. uses two simple geometric figures and involves clicking the micro switch when the person taking the test sees the target figure and not clicking when it's the non-target figure. The visual T.O.V.A. may be presented in several different ways, but the most common test displays the target as a square with a second but smaller square inside of it near the upper border.
The auditory test is the same process. The test taker clicks when they hear the target, which is presented as a single tone, usually "G" above "Middle C" (392.0 Hz). The test taker should inhibit their response when the non-target is presented, which is usually the tone of "Middle C" (261.6 Hz).
The test is monochromatic, non-sequential, language and culturally independent. It is presented in both clinical and screening versions. The clinical version is used by health professionals and assistants. The screening version has no diagnostic terms and is used by school-based professionals.
The T.O.V.A. measures a set of different variables to determine whether or not response times and attention is at the normal range for the gender and age of the test taker.
Response Time Variability: A time measurement of how consistently the microswitch is pressed.
Response Time: A time measurement of how fast or slow information is processed and responded to.
d' Signal Detection: A time measurement of how fast performance drops.
Commission Errors: A measure of impulsivity: how many times the non-target is pressed.
Omission Errors: A measure of inattention: how many times is the target not pressed.
Post-Commission Response Time: A time measurement of how fast or slow a response is after a commission Error.
Multiple Responses: A measure of how many times the button is pressed repeatedly. (Indicator of other problems)
Anticipatory Responses: A time measurement how often a person is guessing rather than responding.